All ISKCON temples and communities around the world are called upon to organize special prayers and kirtans this Sunday, December 1, asking Lord Krishna to protect our devotees and all religious minorities in Bangladesh.
The international ISKCON Governing Body Commission Executive Committee (EC), under the Chairmanship of Guru Prasada Swami, and with the support of the global Communications Ministry, is calling upon all devotees and friends of ISKCON to join together this Sunday at ISKCON temples worldwide to offer prayers for our fellow Vaishnavas, and other minorities, in Bangladesh.
On Sunday, the day that ISKCON temples host their largest congregational functions, devotees and temple leaders are asked to offer their Sunday kirtans and programs in a call for the well-being and protection of the devotees in Bangladesh. Temple communities are also asked to offer the following special prayer in a spirit of global harmony:
“Dear Lord Krishna, dear Lord Caitanya, kindly bless and protect all the devotees and other religious minorities in Bangladesh. May the current social tensions be peacefully resolved and may lasting harmony be established in the land of Bangladesh.”
“Many are asking what they can do to help devotees in Bangladesh,” said Guru Prasada Swami. “We are asking all ISKCON devotees and friends to offer their heartfelt prayers especially this Sunday, and over the next few weeks, for the well-being of ISKCON devotees and other minorities in Bangladesh,” he said.
ISKCON is a peaceful organization, and devotees in Bangladesh contribute in many ways to their county,” said Anuttama Dasa, ISKCON Minister of Communications. “Unfortunately, some who don’t know ISKCON well, are misrepresenting us and our peaceful intentions,” he said.
Earlier this week the Bangladeshi High Court rejected a plea to ban ISKCON. “We are most grateful to the High Court for its decision in support of ISKCON,” said Anuttama Dasa.
If ISKCON members would like to express their concerns or suggestions how to help the devotees in Bangladesh, they should contact the GBC Executive Committee, ISKCON Communications, or their local ISKCON Regional Body. Please avoid making or forwarding any posts or comments that may add to the tensions.
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