Monday 16 November the Hindu Forum Europe (HFE) celebrated Diwali for the first time in the EU Parliament, Brussels. Host MEP, Neena Gill congratulated Hindus with this big success. The Ambassador of India, Mr. Manjeev Singh Puri, and the Ambassador of Mauritius, Mr. J. Koonjul, lit symbolically a dipa in the presence of other MEPs and staff of the Parliament.
ISKCON devotees from Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Italy and Switzerland were among the more than 100 attendees of this historical event. According to key organizer, Mahaprabhu Das, HFE is planning to celebrate Diwali every year in the European Parliament.
In the speeches of the various speakers, the recent acts of violence in Paris and other parts of the world were mentioned. They underlined the relevance of the Diwali festival in Europe’s dark times. There is a growing need to illuminate the world with the wonderful qualities of Lord Sri Ramacandra, glorified by millions as the greatest King.
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