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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Food For Life South Africa Serves Love to All on Valentine’s Day
By ISKCON News Weekly Staff   |  Feb 21, 2009

Valentine’s Day is traditionally a time when romantic couples or other closely related people express their love for each other. But this February 14, ISKCON’s Food For Life staff in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, showed their love for everyone by giving gifts of delicious vegetarian food to people they had never met before.

Food For Life volunteers first visited Masakhane (meaning “stand together”), a township two hours drive from Cape Town whose 12,000 residents hail mostly from the Thembu, Mpondo and Bomvane tribes.

There they served a sacred prasadam lunch to all the members of the Masakhane Baptist Church community program, who thanked them by performing a traditional Zulu dance. Devotees then lit a candle for peace with the church’s leader, Pastor Jacob, who promised to work with them in future community projects.

Food for Life also delighted residents of Hopewell, a countryside township 20 kilometres from Pietermaritzburg, with heaped plates of prasadam.

“Food for Life philosophy is based on complete and unbiased love expressed through acts of compassionate and loving service,” said a Food For Life spokesperson. “Sharing of a hot, freshly prepared meal brings joy and camaraderie. It creates an everlasting impression of love. Wherever we go to distribute meals, people become so appreciative and always praise God and thank Him for extending his love to all, through us. Selfless love creates a genuine fellowship among people, irrespective of their diverse backgrounds.”

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