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Visvambhar and Gaura Vani Release Armor of Nrsimha Song
By ISKCON News Staff   |  May 14, 2022

Today on Sri Nrsimha-caturdasi, Visvambhar y Gaura Vani released a new single, Armor of Nrsimha


In celebration of this, Visvambhar and Gaura Vani told the story of the half-man, half-lion form of Krishna and His child devotee Prahlad on Facebook today. This epic story from the Srimad Bhagavatam (arguably the greatest collected work on Bhakti) draws us into awareness of our own faith and into dialogue with our own inner devils and angels.

Armor of Narasimha (Narasimha Kavacha)

Visvambhar Sheth
Gaura Vani

Produced by Gaura Vani
Co-producer DJ Vraj (Vrajadham)
Mixing and Mastering: Frank Stearns

Colin Campbell: saxophone, bass guitar
Nityananda Das (Sanskrit Strings): electric guitar
Seth Lieberman: celesta bells
DJ Vraj (Vrajadham): beats and electronica

Artwork: IG gaya_tree_


Download MP3 here


Listen here


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