ISKCONResolve, formed in 2002, has just expanded its scope adding a number of ombudsmen to its ranks. This service provides confidential, impartial, informal assistance to devotees who have concerns, conflicts, complaints, or disputes arising from or affecting their participation in ISKCON.
How Can an Ombudsman help you? We can:
• Help clarify issues and resolve conflicts.
• Help you develop and evaluate your options or courses of action, and assist you in pursuing them.
• Help managers consider how to best deal with difficult situations.
• Help you Identify appropriate services, and people who may help.
• At our discretion, conduct an informal inquiry.
• Provide shuttle-diplomacy, individually talking with the parties involved.
• Mediate disputes.
While an Ombudsman has no power to make, change, or set aside administrative decisions or ISKCON policy they have been instrumental in helping thousands of devotees deal with situations and conflicts. Any information you share with an ombudsman will be kept confidential, including the fact that you contacted us. We only reveal your identity with your permission or in very rare cases of risk of imminent danger.
You should contact an ombudsman when you want:
• To talk confidentially with someone knowledgeable about ISKCON and its structure.
• More information about management decisions and ISKCON policies.
• To know what your alternatives are for resolving a problem.
• To know how to file a formal complaint or appeal.
• A second opinion of your case.
• To try to resolve your dispute outside of formal processes.
• To learn how to resolve a dispute yourself.
• To understand what resources are available to you.
Possible issues
An ombudsman can assist you with concerns or disputes related to a wide range of issues, including:
• ISKCON policies, procedures, and practices
• Health and safety
• Harassment
• Internal justice issues
• Unfair treatment
• Ethics and ISKCON values
• Retaliation
• Service opportunities and conditions
• Alternatives to litigation
• Seeking health and other benefits
We have numerous ombuds around the world, and our secretary can connect you with the one you would feel comfortable talking to and who may be best suited for addressing your concerns. So if you have an ISKCON related problem, and need to talk to someone in a confidential way, contact ISKCON Resolve at [email protected] (the website will soon be updated)
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