Acharya Fundador Su Divina Gracia
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Is It The Arctic Circle? No, It Is The Yamuna River!
By Parashurama das   |  Abr 23, 2011

Where on Planet earth is this scene? Is it at the Arctic Circle?

No. This is the toxic river Yamuna in Noida Delhi.

There is no river in the world as polluted as the most sacred river in the world. It is a long way from the crystal clear Yamuna river in the Himalayas, with the cool delicious water that can purify anyone of all sins and give pure bhakti (love of God.)

On the 26 March a team of 7 ISKCON devotees of various nationality followed the course of the Yamuna river by raft from 50km south of Yamunotri in the Himalayas and ending in Vrindavan. They held press conferences in Yamuna Nagar and Delhi, resulting in dozens of Newspaper articles and TV coverage. They think it is very important to raise awareness of the plight of the most sacred river in the world, and to bring about a change in consciousness to those who live near the Yamuna or who visit her.

“Meditate on Vrindavan’s Yamuna river, which is dear to Lord Hari, which flows with a great flood of transcendental bliss, which has shores studded with jewels, waves chanting the Sama Veda, and swans, cranes, karandavas, datyuhas and other birds chanting the Rg veda.”

The team consisted of Mahavishnu Swami, Sanak Sanatana Prabhu, Arjuna Das, Krishna Mayi Dasi, Taruna Das, Bhakta Richard, and Parasuram Das.

The participants filmed their adventures. “What an adventure! – they say. We are lucky to be alive to tell it all about it”.

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