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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Interpretación y composición de kirtan para celebrar la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño en la ONU en Ginebra
By Kardama Muni Das (ACBSP)   |  Dic 08, 2024

Dr. Bhadra Rupa Addresses Diplomats at 100th Anniversary of Children’s Rights in Geneva.

On November 7, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland, students from Dr. Bhadra Rupa’s School of Kirtan Performance and Composition performed their own original compositions (music and lyrics) inspired by the Ramayana at the United Nations in Geneva (UNOG). The event celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the fifth annual “Faith for Rights” meeting. This was the only musical performance during the celebration.

Dr. Bhadra Rupa introduced the presentation by explaining the episodes of the Ramayana in which his students were inspired to write their own music and lyrics. His speech was focused on the need to cultivate inner transformation.

The audience of parliamentarians, diplomats, UN Treaty Body members, Special Rapporteurs, faith-based actors, social media companies, and civil society members at UNOG. were visibly moved by the children’s singing and playing instruments such as violin, piano, flute, cajon, and guitar. Dr. Bhadra Rupa accompanied the children on his unique flute invention, a fusion of ancient and modern flutes and a symbol of interfaith harmony.

The audience responded with enthusiastic applause when the senior representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations advised them to look forward to a concert of Dr. Bhadra Rupa’s compositions inspired by Gita Govinda guided by his spiritual leader, Jayapataka Swami. 

After singing and playing, each child addressed the audience on the significance of the Geneva Declaration and interfaith perspectives. The organizers extended invitations for future events.

Dr. Bhadra Rupa, a member of the research team at the University of Geneva’s educational sciences faculty, shared insights from his five-year research project in composition based on oral tradition. For his flute invention he was awarded with a bachelor’s degree (solo performance) and two master’s degrees in education by Lund University, Sweden.

Kirtan Will Create a Safer World Says UN Chief 

After a performance of original music by his students at the United Nations in Geneva, many UN officials approached to Dr. Bhadra Rupa to express their deep gratitude. A senior representative of The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva expressed heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Bhadra Rupa. He offered the following:

“After a long day of intense UN meetings and discussions, the performances by your students brought a much-needed light into our room. Their beautiful compositions were a refreshing and enlightening break. I am deeply thankful.

“Your programs are having a profound impact at the UN, not only the recovered knowledge you present but especially your singular educational methods for children, soon to be the leaders of the world.

“Creativity is synonymous with the expression of emotions. Unfortunately, the current global situation is often driven by uncontrolled emotions rather than logic and intelligence. By training and educating our children and youth through creative musical performances based on character building, we can gradually create a safer world.”

United Nations Special Consultative Status Has Made A Difference

Since Dr. Bhadra Rupa was awarded Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council in New York in January 2024, (by the mercy of the Lord) he has:

  • Marked the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s visit to the UN Geneva in 1974 with a presentation to the leadership of the UN and other dignitaries.
  • Welcomed Dr. S. Jaishankar, India’s Minister of External Affairs at the opening ceremony for the new Mission of India in Geneva by leading an ensemble performance of two of his own compositions inspired by the Gita Govinda of Sri Jayadeva Goswami.
  • By request of the UN Alliance of Civilizations has begun production of a concert, “Songs of Peace and Endurance”. For this, Dr. Bhadra Rupa will compose original music inspired by Gita Govinda of Sri Jayadeva Goswami. The concert is expected in 2025. 

For more information contact Dr. Bhadra Rupa via correo electrónico. To become a sponsor for the concert “Songs of Peace and Endurance,” please visit their sitio web.  

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