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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Aprende Gita Vive el Gitanushilanam de Gita 2024: Potenciar el crecimiento espiritual entre generaciones
By Aisvarya Kisori Devi Dasi   |  Dic 13, 2024

Gitanushilanam 2024 is the world’s largest online Bhagavad-gita competition dedicated to ISKCON Founder-Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It is the annual flagship event of Learn Gita Live Gita (LGLG) to celebrate the Gita Jayanti 2024.

Learn Gita Live Gita is an initiative under the leadership of Lila Purushottam Das (Director-IIT Mandi, Director-BGIS Vrindavan) to bring success and happiness to every person in this world, irrespective of age, gender, profession, wealth, social status, religion, or nationality, through education and practical application of the Bhagavad-gita’s wisdom.

The Gitanushilanam 2024 Australia competitions were held for children aged six and above. They were comprised of a quiz, Bhagavad-gita shloka recitation, essay writing, and extempore competitions. The most important aspect of this competition was not just to assess one’s scriptural competency but also one’s ability to preach and spread the message of Bhagavad-gita to awaken the dormant love of Godhead Sri Krishna.

The overall picture of the Gitanushilanam 2024 in Australia:
– A total of 175 registrations (Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane).
– This also included 30 children from ISKCON Adelaide -Gopal’s Play School.
– Children from ISKCON Sydney participated in offline Gitanushilanam classes.
– A total of 40 online preparatory sessions from 6th August till 12th November (for children and adults) for three months.
– The Online sessions included Children’s weekly sessions for a total of seven selected verses from the book “Illustrated Introduction to Bhagavad-gita.” with an explanation, a story based on each verse, and recitation practice for memorization.

Adult classes were organized twice a week and included the book “Five Aspects of the Absolute Truth” by Lila Purushottam Das (Director BGIS Vrindavan, Director IIT Mandi). Five lessons were taught based on the YouTube videos for each lesson. And Bhagavad-gita Chapter 15, “Purushottam Yoga,” was explained verse by verse with recitation for memorization. Both Children and adults participated in quizzes, shloka recitation, essay writing, and extempore competitions. To help keep the devotees connected to Krishna, daily Hare Krishna Mahamantra chanting sessions began in July 2024 ((5:30-7:30 am Adelaide time)

The concluding ceremony was held on 23rd November. The winners and participants were awarded certificates and exciting prizes. There was an extraordinary response from the participants.  Children and adults alike eagerly awaited the weekly online preparatory classes.

You can watch the journey of Gitanushilanam 2024 – Australia aquí. Please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more information. To participate in the Learn Gita Live Gita – Australia Forum through WhatsApp, click aquí.

“As always, it has been a wonderful experience for the last 3 years since I have been part of the LGLG group; it’s an amazing spiritual journey where we have been taught to become disciplined by attending classes, chanting sessions, gaining knowledge, and practicing loving devotional service to Lord Krishna. Heartfelt Gratitude to Gopal Krishna Goswami, who had the vision of Srila Prabhupada and inspired Lila Purshottam Das to start LGLG.”
– Vaishali Bhatt (1st Prize – Gitanushilanam ‘24 Quiz Competition for 18+ yrs)

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of Gitanushilnam24. Lila Purushottam Das’s lectures and your insights on them were very informative and helpful for my spiritual journey. The course is well designed and structured, so the basics of Srimad Bhagavad-gita As It Is are easy to understand. The Kahoot! quiz was an interesting and informative tool to test our knowledge of the topics covered in the course.”
– Abhishek Pandey (2nd Prize – Gitanushilanam ‘24 Quiz Competition for 18+ yrs)

“The efforts which are put in everything for everyone was very delightful…We, as parents, have never thought that our child would be able to get the divine knowledge of Bhagavad-gita in Australia…but because of your humble and dedicated service and by God’s grace, it is possible. We will learn to live our lives as per the principles of Bhagavad-gita.”
– Trupti Vadher (for Riya: 1st Prize Shloka recitation 5-10 yrs)

“Gitanushilnam has been a platform that permits students to gain insight into Krishna consciousness. Hirva and Mrugesh had a wonderful time with you during class time. Due to your commitment, they were able to explore something new about Krishna every week and learn new shlokas through translations. Your tireless efforts were recognizable. Hirva and Mrugesh were always excited about Tuesdays for classes.”
– Niyati Shelat (for Hirva and Mrugesh: 1st Prize Shloka recitation and 2nd Prize Quiz 10-15 yrs)

“It was indeed a great experience for Dhanveer; he learned slokas and received this knowledge with your lectures and tireless effort every week. It was indeed a true blessing of Krishna on you to impart that spiritual wisdom to this young generation. May these kids group up spiritually with profound knowledge.”
– Priya Parekh (for Dhanveer: 2nd Prize Shloka recitation 5-10 yrs).

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