Radha Krishna Camp’s participants visited the Wet’n Wild water park at São Paulo state.
At the beginning of January, 43 devotee youth from around the world gathered at the Radha Krishna Camp in Guararema state of São Paulo – Brasil, for a week of transformative spiritual experiences and memorable recreational activities.
The camp organizer, Vaikuntha Murti Das, said of the event, “The Radha Krishna Camp is the only project in South America that serves youth between 12 to 17 years old,” he said, “We welcome teens coming from Brasil as well as other Latin America countries like Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and even the US, México, and Canada. It is a strong international interchange program with Krishna in the center of our seven days of activities.”
H.H. Dhanvantari Swami visited the camp.
The annual camp, which first began in 2015, is inspired by Subhadra Devi Dasi, a former gurukula teacher who has significant experience in education. Subhadra coordinates the whole schedule of Radha Krishna Camp, while her husband, Vaikuntha Murti Das, takes care of all logistics, travel, and day-to-day operations.
The Radha Krishna Camp usually gathers 40-45 participants and has an exceptional team of four adult monitors who help take care of the energetic group. During the week-long camp filled with activities, participants were given four daily prasadam meals prepared by a very dedicated kitchen team.
“Some of their activities included daily spiritual morning programs such as mangala arati, japa, guru puja, and so on,” said Subhadra, “The youth were also involved in dynamic activities which fostered deeper relationships among the among them, like drama, volleyball, soccer, and a fun day at the Wet’n Wild Water Park 120km from São Paulo.
“A very interesting aspect of Radha Krishna Camp is that during the week, the participants are not allowed to use cell phones, and as soon as they arrive, Subhadra places all their phones in a safe place,” said Vaikuntha Murti, “Can you imagine a teenager without a cell phone for at least one day? So, they live without their phones for seven days, and we see incredible results!”
“Our 2024 Radha Krishna Camp will be held on a beautiful farm near the São Paulo International Airport. We are open to receiving devotees from anywhere in the world who would like to have a life-changing experience with other devotee youth,” said Subhadra.
Vaikuntha Murti concluded, “Our teens are the future of our Hare Krishna Movement, and we must inspire them to spread this amazing Krishna consciousness.”
For further information on their next camp and how you may support this vital service, please contact Vaikuntha Murti Das via correo electrónico or WhatsApp +55 11 966110096.
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