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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Sirens of the Lambs: A Creepy Slaughterhouse Delivery Truck On New York’s Meatpacking District
By Julie Zeveloff   |  Oct 18, 2013

Street artist Banksy has unleashed a slaughterhouse delivery truck filled with squealing, animatronic lambs, cows, and chickens on the streets of New York City.

The mobile installation, called “Sirens of the Lambs,” is the eleventh work in the artist’s month-long series in the Big Apple.

It will terrify children in the Meatpacking District today, and then tour the rest of the city for the next two weeks, according to Banksy’s sitio web.


Más información:

To watch video of the truck:,509/#.UmFAUhZVgk8

Etiqueta: arte , bansky
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