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La Conferencia sobre Liderazgo de América del Norte: Un inspirado paso adelante 
By Sankirtana Das (ACBSP)   |  Nov 20, 2024

ISKCON’s North American Leadership Conference was held October 4-6th at New Vrindaban, West Virginia, gathering over 120 leaders from across the continent. Sankirtana Dasa, a long-time resident of NV, reflects on its relationship to Srila Prabhupada’s mood and mission, his experience and realizations attending some of the sessions, and insights from interviews with leaders over the multi-day gathering. He also includes participant feedback on the conference and the host community.

Prabhupada’s Vision: 

“In the universe, there are so many men, animals, and plants, and beasts, and birds, and so many things. So we have to love everyone. That is universal. You cannot discriminate…”  Srila Prabhupada declared in a lecture (New York, January 6, 1967). He spoke about his Movement incorporating a variety of elements, such as “love and trust,” as well as requiring “organization and intelligence.” He explained that despite the devotees’ shortcomings, still “their topmost intention is to serve Krishna” (Letter, February 4, 1972).

Prabhupada emphasized, “There is only one goal: to serve Krishna to one’s best ability. If there is some disagreement over service, such disagreement is to be taken as spiritual” (SB 4.30.8 purport). He wanted his Movement to move forward in a mood of unity in diversity: “If we fight on account of diversity, then it is simply the material platform. Please try to maintain the philosophy of unity in diversity. That will make our Movement successful”  (Letter, October 18, 1973).

Within the diversity, Prabhupada sought a mood of cooperation between the devotees.  He also wanted devotees to study his books and understand his overarching intention for the Hare Krishna Movement: “And I am very much stressing nowadays that my students shall increase their reading of my books and try to understand them from different angles of vision. Each sloka can be seen from many, many angles of vision” (Letter,  June 16, 1972).

Participants gathered in small groups in New Vrindaban’s Yogashala.

The Conference

This year’s North American Leadership Conference strived to bring all of the above various elements and more together in their three-day gathering at New Vrindaban in West Virginia, home of Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold. 

Each day the assembly of over 120 devotees attending the event were treated to excellent morning classes. Kalakantha Das, head of the Krishna House centers, spoke about the important role of servant-leader. He also recalled Prabupada’s Mayapur lecture on April 6, 1975, where he was personally present.  Prabhupada’s vision for ISKCON included many acaryas: “So we want to spread Krishna consciousness. Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krishna’s instructions very nicely, without any mal-interpretation. Then, in future…Suppose you have got now ten thousand. We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required—then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million.  So there will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand Krishna consciousness very easily. So make that organization.”

Vaisesika Das, Temple President at ISKCON Silicon Valley and ISKCON’s Minister of Book Distribution, discussed the importance of distributing books and the power of Krishna’s holy names. He explained that devotees want to give everyone an opportunity to accept Krishna Consciousness into their lives. To remain committed to devotional service, we must study Prabhupada’s books constantly. 

The last morning, Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi, Temple President of ISKCON of DC, gave class. She urged the devotees to take care of themselves to develop lasting friendships and warned her audience against burning out. In her concluding remarks, she asked the assembly, “Take a look around. Every single devotee is valuable. Let’s remind ourselves about that. As a basis, as a foundation. For care. For support. For appreciation.  For just being happy to be with the devotees and seeing devotees.”

Devotees felt ISKCON must learn to walk the line between being a successful, world-wide organization and a caring community.  At the conference, a hubbub of discussion was constantly underway. Devotees were eager to offer the public a taste of the Krishna Consciousness experience at their temples,  farm communities, small centers, restaurants, storefronts, and at home gatherings. There was also discussion about new temples and new initiatives and projects under development.  The numerous presentations at the conference included talks on Devotee Care, Child Protection, Youth Ministry, Communication,  Retreats, Environmental Concerns,  Book Distribution, Kirtana, the Accomplishments of This Year and Goals for Next Year, as well as the 3/35 Initiative – A Shared Vision for the Future of Krishna Consciousness in North America. 

Everyone seemed to be especially excited about the 3/35 Initiative, introduced earlier this year.  The Initiative, as per Prabhupada’s vision, seeks to have 3% of the North American population involved in Krishna Consciousness, in one way or another, by 2035. This is certainly an ambitious effort, and devotees can expect to face various challenges and obstacles in pursuing this goal. But everyone left the conference with great enthusiasm, carrying that determination and energy back to the devotees and congregations in their areas.

Reflections from participants

“ISKCON’s 2024 North American Leadership Conference in New Vrindavan proved that ISKCON North America is growing and vibrant. The leaders from communities around the continent showed keen interest in becoming more organized and unified in pursuing collective goals– and some very ambitious goals at that. The conference provided a great opportunity to review our expansion over the past decade and to share best practices and growth strategies.”  – Kalakantha Das

Candrasekhara Swami, Temple President at ISKCON Long Island, exclaimed,  “This is Sadhu-Sanga! When we meet with devotees from far-flung regions, we gather insight into things we might have never considered before.  This inspires us to try some approaches that we could have previously thought to be unfruitful. Learning about diverse strategies in spreading Krishna Consciousness gives me options.  And the new 3/35 Initiative, is a good step forward, though I have to say that the branding needs work. I look forward to working more with our larger community of devotees to help the 3/35 Initiative.  I am very happy that devotees are thinking of ways to expand and improve our Movement.”  

“This conference was so well organized, enabling leaders to be hyper-focused on the  3/35 strategy. The fact that we have a common goal in North America is a testament to the NA leadership. We are all focused on the same thing, and each center or temple will execute the strategy based on their local community. I feel like this is truly in the spirit of how Srila Prabhupada managed ISKCON in the beginning. Finding passionate, caring souls who are ready to give their all for the Movement. And as I looked around the conference room, I saw just such people! I am enlivened by all the devotees here, and it makes me want to share Krishna Consciousness all the more.”  – Rama Kisora Dasa, member of is Board of Directors of ISKCON Minnesota.  Last year, the devotees opened up a large storefront in Minneapolis, offering programs throughout the week. 

“It was of great value to interact with leaders and other temple presidents. The presentations were useful, well-planned, and well-presented. I will be sharing with my team the many salient points discussed at the Leadership Conference.” Rudra Dev Das, ISKCON Toronto Temple President  

Lilasuka Devi Dasi has served as Director of ISKCON North American Child Protection Office since its inception in 2011. She was enthused that the management of North America was – “making child protection a top priority. As a result of increased funding, we are now seeking to expand our staff.”

Indresh Gaura Dasa Supervisor in ISKCON’s Zone 1 which includes 25 temples and centers in Canada, said: “May this next generation of leadership put children, Vaishnavis, and devotee care at the forefront, and learn from the past…That is the ISKCON I want to serve.” 

Speaking of the conference in general, Indresh continued, “The leadership conference was incredibly inspiring. It struck a perfect balance between addressing important administrative and leadership issues needed to maintain the society and discussing strategic priorities for outreach and preserving Srila Prabhupada’s legacy. We discussed practical strategies, new initiatives, and enthusiastic endeavors aimed at increasing Krishna consciousness and reaching more people across North America. This mixture of practicality, strategy, and inspiration was very much needed and deeply appreciated.” 

“The outstanding programs not only enriched our spiritual lives but also fostered a sense of community among us. Every devotee involved went above and beyond, ensuring that every need was met and every moment was meaningful. I personally want to carry this spirit of service and attention to detail into my daily life.” – Radha Madhava Das, ISKCON of Phoenix

Shanti Devi Dasi marveled at the experience the conference offered.  “I was impacted by seeing how much talent there is in the leadership across North America. It was truly inspiring to be in the presence of all the devotees.” Shanti is one half of the Child Protection Volunteer Support Team for North American Zone 1 in Canada. She also works for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and is an active member of the military, as well as pursuing an MBA degree. 

Reflections on New Vrindaban as a host community:

“I was overwhelmed by the care and kindness New Vrindavan staff extended to the attendees. New Vrindaban went out of their way to make us feel  welcomed and valued, and the facilities, prasadam, grounds, and overall mood were truly delightful! A tremendous effort displaying a high level of Vaishnava seva which is  something significant and impactful which we can aspire to.”   – Lilasakti Devi Dasi, Temple President of ISKCON New Goloka in North Carolina.   

“It is clear that the dedication and care poured into every detail of the event were nothing short of remarkable. From the moment we arrived, the warm welcome and thoughtful organization created an atmosphere of harmony and devotion.” – Radha Madhava Das

“The devotees at New Vrindaban, especially Jaya Krishna Prabhu, his good wife Anuradha, and the entire community, not only hosted us but went above and beyond to take care of every detail. Their service, done with enthusiasm and warm smiles, created such a positive and uplifting mood throughout the event.” – Indresh Gaura Dasa

“New Vrindavan’s hosting of the event really surpassed my expectations.  The prasadam featured Indian, Mexican, and Chinese menus, all served with exceptional care, thoughtfulness, and hospitality.” – Kalakantha Das 

“I must say, I always return home energized after being at New Vrindaban and meeting with the devotees there.” – Rama Kisora Dasa

Leaders in small group discuss the vital role of devotee care.

In Closing

In a letter to Balavanta, (December 13, 1972), Prabhupada explained the strategy for attracting intelligent, college-educated, successful persons to his Movement:  “Because they are little educated or they have got some wealth or fame or ability, so they will be sometimes little puffed-up, but that is all right, they deserve it. Now we shall have to learn the art how to approach such higher-class of men and attract them to apply themselves to this Krishna Consciousness process of self-realization. That requires much tact, and we shall have to expect to meet all challenges by sharp minds.” 

In the letter Prabhupada continued,  encouraging the devotees to be humble and patient:  “But if we remain always absorbed in remembering Lord Caitanya, how He converted so many intelligent men, even sitting for three days and nights to hear them speak without Himself speaking anything, and if we remember how Krishna was so much patient to explain everything to Arjuna, even Arjuna was speaking like a fool – in this way, being always tolerant of others and appreciating their points-of-view, it will be easy matter for us to convince them gradually to join us.” 

In a letter to Karandhara, (December 22, 1972), Prabhupada encouraged the leadership to,  “…always generate some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it. That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna. But where are so many expert managers? All of us should become expert managers and preachers.”   

Srila Prabhupada wanted the Hare Krishna Movement to expand unlimitedly. He’s given ample and varied instructions to the devotees on how to achieve that. For devotees to actually accomplish this mission, they must build a temple for Krishna in their hearts.  Constructing a temple in the heart is much more difficult than building a physical temple. We must destroy the false ego and go deep into the core of  our hearts to understand what Srila Prabhupada wants from us: to always think of Krishna; to become a leader; to learn to be relevant, inclusive, and empowering;  to become a kind friend to all; and to extend Krishna’s love to all sentient beings. 

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Sankirtana Das, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, is a longtime resident of the New Vrindaban Community and an award-winning author and storyteller. He is a recipient of a WV Artist Fellowship Award & Grant. His most recent book, Hanuman’s Quest, is acclaimed by scholars and has received a Storytelling World Resource Honors. He also sits on the board of directors for the Vedic Friends Association. At New Vrindaban, Sankirtana offers sacred storytelling and scheduled in-depth tours. For more info about his work visit

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