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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Where Fun Meets Devotion: Winter Krsna Kidz Camp and Youth Retreat at ISKCON Detroit
By Anangamayi Chitra Devī Dasi   |  Nov 16, 2024

2023 Winter Krsna Kidz Camp participants.

The 16th Annual Winter Krsna Kidz Camp and Youth Retreat will be held at ISKCON Detroit – The Devasadhan Mandir from November 28th to 30th. This events aim to engage children and the youth in a fun and meaningful way that connects them to their Vedic culture. Kids, ages four to thirteen, will enjoy three days of fun – everything from amazing arts and crafts to special theatrical performances, fun games, and other exciting activities.

As for the youth, anyone in high school or college can attend a one-day youth retreat on Friday, November 29th. They also have the opportunity to volunteer on Thursday and Saturday; by doing so, they can earn National Honor Society credits. The youth retreat aims to help them connect with others, be part of deep conversations in which they can find purpose, build relationships, and participate in devotional service in association.

The registration fees include food and snacks. The meals are always delicious and diverse, including fresh Mexican food, pizza, pasta, cookies, and many other tasty items. In addition, local east and west locations have free transportation services that are also covered when registered. 

These events are very unique because they allow kids to learn about their culture from a young age. As for the youth, it gives them the opportunity to form deep bonds, lifelong connections, and lasting memories. In fact, many of the past alumni of the camp come back to teach the younger generation. Earlier this year, there was a seven-day Summer Krsna Kidz Camp run by the youth; the turnout was amazing. Kids and parents alike were thrilled with the beautiful experience. The youth’s involvement in the Krsna Kidz Camp created a full-circle experience, where the older generation has a chance to guide and uplift the younger one, fostering a beautiful community.

2024 Summer Krsna Kidz Camp participants.

This year, registration is limited, so devotees are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. Camp registration ends November 21st. Click aquí to register.

For more details, check out Krsna Kidz Camp’s sitio web, Facebook, y Instagram. ISKCON Detroit hosts many engaging and fun events, not just for kids, but for the whole family, so follow them on Facebook for all the latest.

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