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GBC Succession Committee Launches Leadership Program
By ISKCON News Weekly Staff   |  Feb 21, 2009

The GBC North American Leadership Succession Committee announced the launch of the Leadership Development Program, an extensive course of study and practice for current and upcoming ISKCON leaders. Beginning in March, North America will be the first region to open this newly developed path for preparation and further training of the movement’s leaders worldwide.

The first classroom term will be held at ISKCON Potomac (Washington, DC) from Saturday, March 14 to Wednesday, March 24, 2009. Ravindra Svarupa Dasa will be teaching the Spiritual Values portion (one session per day), and ISKCON Communications Director Anuttama Dasa will be teaching the Leadership Development portion (two sessions per day). The second term is scheduled for June.

“The Leadership Development Program is a comprehensive leadership training series combining residential classroom instruction with practical application and coaching,” said Romapada Swami, who heads the North American Succession Committee.

Classes will be conducted in two-week terms, three times per year over a period of two years, totaling a 12-week curriculum. The program includes internship/practicum periods between classes designed to coordinate education with practical experience according to the individual participant’s aspirations and situation. In addition, participants will receive training and practice in Krishna-conscious coaching, with both an experienced devotee coach and a peer partner. “The Leadership Development Program is thus designed to reach beyond the classroom to provide support with assimilation, personal development and practical application of knowledge,” said Anuttama Dasa.

The program’s college-level curriculum consists of two strands: Spiritual Values and Leadership Development. Spiritual Values features courses on the importance and application of Vaishnava principles pertaining to both the individual and the community, focusing in particular on ISKCON Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada’s teaching and example. Leadership Development deals with a wide variety of pertinent topics, such as communication, devotee care, outreach strategies, leadership, and specific managerial concerns such as finance and law.

“The Leadership Development Program is suitable for ISKCON members currently serving as leaders as well as for those aspiring to leadership service,” said Labangalatika Dasi, Program Coordinator. Candidates should be (1) enthusiastic to utilize their talents in service to Srila Prabhupada’s movement, (2) able to communicate with and relate to others easily, and (3) practice good sadhana.

To qualify for admission, candidates must receive recommendation from three references and successfully complete a selection interview. Upon completion of the program, candidates will be expected to commit to two years of ISKCON service, for which the program will provide assistance in placement as well as continued coaching and support.

For further information on Program features, fees and admission, please contact Labangalatika Dasi at [email protected]

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