पिछले दशक में, न्यू वृंदावन का तेजी से विकास हुआ है, हर साल निवासियों की संख्या में 36% की वृद्धि हुई है। इस मांग को पूरा करने के लिए, समुदाय ने 10 नए अपार्टमेंट और 5 केबिन बनाए हैं, जिससे मंदिर की कुल संख्या बढ़ गई है ...
ISKCON Valsad, situated in Gujarat, India, celebrated the installation of Srila Prabhupada's murti on December 21st, 2024. This milestone is not just a symbol of the temple's expansion but a manifestation of the deep love …
ISKCON's Congregation Development Ministry is continually working to help temples and devotee communities grow and flourish by providing various preaching programs, such as Bhakti Vriksha, programs for children, and more. They also want to highlight …
मूल रूप से हंगरी की रहने वाली श्यामा गौरी देवी दासी ने हाल ही में इस्कॉन न्यूज़ के साथ एक साक्षात्कार में अपनी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा के बारे में कुछ बातें साझा कीं। पिछले कुछ वर्षों में उनकी सेवा ने उन्हें बुडापेस्ट, स्कॉटलैंड, और अन्य जगहों के मंदिरों सहित पूरे यूरोप में घुमाया है।
The innovative Dāmodara Program, conceived by the Congregational Development Ministry, extends a gracious invitation to individuals to participate in the sacred ritual of offering lamps to Lord Dāmodara during the holy month of Kārtika. This …
To unlock the spiritual potency of the rare month of Purusottama, the ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry (CDM)[link] has launched an initiative to encourage and facilitate devotees worldwide to observe this auspicious period in the Vedic …
"Krishna - My Best Friend" is a new book written by Gourangi Gandharvika Devi Dasi and Acintyapriya Davi Dasi and published by the Congregational Development Ministry - Bhakti Kids. Their intention behind writing this book …
Beginning Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, ISKCON's Congregational Development Ministry will offer an online "Bhagavad Gita Course For Children." The exciting new offering, provided in both English and Spanish, will be taught by Nikunja Nivasini Devi …
Esa spent 14 months at ISKCON Gita Nagari and during his stay he was always helpful, enthusiastic, and devoted to the process of Krishna Consciousness. He will be deeply missed by all those who knew …
हमारे साप्ताहिक लेखों की सूची प्राप्त करने के लिए अपना ईमेल नीचे साझा करें।