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एसी भक्तिवेदांत स्वामी प्रभुपाद

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Academic Conference on `Religions: War, or Peace?`
By Maharani Dasi   |  नवम्बर 27, 2010

On November 18th, the state-accredited Bhaktivedanta Theological Collage of ISKCON Hungary held its sixth annual academic conference. The topic of this year`s discussion was `Religion: War, or Peace`?

Do religions lead to war, or peace? It is considered to be a crucial question nowadays. Especially, since the modern sociologists see a threat caused by the definite global strengthening of religiosity. They fear that the conflicts between religions might lead us again to religious wars, as happened before many times throughout history.

Such conflicts would obviously not serve humanity at all, emphasized the participants of the conference. To find lasting peace on Earth, it is important that religions realize that some of their theological doctrines can indeed be causes of conflicts. When they interpret their truths with the sense of exclusivity, they undoubtedly sew the seeds of violence.

As the other main conclusion of the conference, it was pointed out how crucial it is for theology and science to join hands, have open dialogue and start working together.

The conference had a full house, 350 attendees

At the conference, the different aspects of religious violence and peace have been discussed by sixteen sociologists, philosophers, scientists and theologians of many world religions. Their presentations and conversations were attended by 350 people, mostly students and intellectuals.

The organizer Vasishnava theologians and academics were happy to facilitate an event which could lead to a better understanding of people of different faiths and world views and thus help to avoid potential conflicts and make steps toward a more peaceful future.

Maharani Dasi is addressing the audience
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