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एसी भक्तिवेदांत स्वामी प्रभुपाद

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Jvala Nrsimhotsava Festival of Lights Video Overview
By ISKCON News   |  नवम्बर 18, 2024

On October 31, the auspicious day of Dipawali, the TOVP celebrated the Jvala Nrsimhotsava Festival of Lights for Lord Nrsimhadeva, marking the completion of Phase 2 of the Nrsimha Wing construction. Thousands of devotees from all over the world were present for this historic event, marking another milestone in the TOVP progress.

क्लिक HERE to watch  the short video below which encapsulates the extraordinary four-hour festival.

अधिक विषय
हमारे समाचार पत्र शामिल हों

हमारे साप्ताहिक लेखों की सूची प्राप्त करने के लिए अपना ईमेल नीचे साझा करें।
