Feeling cold this winter? Just remember that there’s always someone out there with more violently chattering teeth than yours. On the weekend of February 15 – 18, nine devotees from ISKCON’s New Vrindavana Farm braved sub-zero temperatures to participate in Frostburn 2008, which is about as comfortable as it sounds.
Held at Cooper’s Campground, near Prabhupada’s first American home in Butler, Pennsylvania, Frostburn is a regional offshoot of Burning Man, the premier counter-cultural festival of our time. ISKCON has had a successful presence at Burning Man for the past two years, and obviously decided that after the blazing heat and swirling dust of Nevada’s Black Rock desert, a bit of face-freezing was in order.
“Frostburn is something new for the Burner community,” says New Vrindavana adventurer Bhakta Chris Ficci. “And as with all their events, it’s a chance to fully express some wonderful artistic and creative sensibilities.”
The 100 people who attended the event busied themselves by creating sculptures and light shows, burning artistic effigies, and blasting cutting-edge electronic music. But more importantly, they had come intent on creating and fostering a community of like-minded and open-minded individuals.
“Everyone there was very open and warm, despite the cold,” says Bhakta Chris. “It’s always wonderful to give people Krishna consciousness in an environment where pretension and other cultural malaise is not present.”
Staying true to the Burner community motto “No one is a spectator,” the devotees did their part with yoga sessions, kirtan, vegetarian food, and a good helping of spiritual cheer.
“Everyone who is involved in Burner events must offer something tangible, positive, and uplifting,” Chris says. “We feel that we did, and hope we can return next year.”
Something tells us that the Burner community will be happy to have them back. And we’re sure it doesn’t have anything to do with the deliciously sweet gulabjamuns and steaming hot subji, either. Nothing at all.
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