Turmeric and its major active ingredient curcumin are among the top most clinically studied spices and herbs today. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists 24 studies.
Western science is investigating via double blind placebo human test, animal testing (in vivo) and test tube petri dish culture testing (in vitro) what has been known and practiced for centuries by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic Medicine of India: Turmeric is a highly effective anti-inflammatory without adverse side effects.
Turmeric can be taken directly from its plant root or used in foods with powder ground from the roots. Turmeric is used in curries, giving curry its yellow color. Curries are a large part of Indian and Southeast Asian cuisines.
Curcumin extracted from turmeric and placed into capsules offers an inexpensive but intensely therapeutic method of using turmeric’s active ingredient.
A recent study
A recent study involved heart bypass operation patients in Thailand. Dr. Wanwarang Wongcharoen led a research team from Chiang Mai University at the University Hospital. They studied 121 consecutive patients who had non-emergency bypass surgery at the hospital between 2009 and 2011.
They were all given one gram pills four times daily, three days before the surgery and five days after. However, half were given sugar pills (placebo group) and the other half was given curcumin capsules. Neither group of patients nor their doctors knew who was taking what. Only the research team knew.
The curcumin group had a 65% lowered risk from post bypass operation heart attacks. That group also showed significantly lower levels of inflammation and oxidative stress markers in their blood. The findings were published in the American Journal of Cardiology.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035615_turmeric_heart_curcumin.html#ixzz1sVdbkUdT
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