An event to glorify Srila Prabhupada, "Srila Prabhupada Smaran Utsav," was organized in ISKCON Mayapur from December 21-23, 2024, on the occasion of the most sacred 85th Vyasa Puja ceremony of Subhag Swami. "Smaran Utsav" …
From November 28-December 1, 2024, the New Navadvip Dham in Mcallen, Rio Grande Valley, Texas, hosted the Harinam Gratitude Festival, which brought together over 180 devotees in a celebration that served as a heartfelt expression …
Кулавати Кришнаприя деви даси, сотрудник отдела новостей ИСККОН
30 ноября 2024 года Молодежный форум ИСККОН, Кудупу Катте, Мангалор, провел Мегамолодежный фестиваль UMANG 3.0 в оживленном городе Мангалор на тему: Сделаем Индию свободной от наркомании. Мероприятие прошло в сочетании с ...
Сутапа Дас, организационный секретарь фестиваля UMANG 3.0
The annual Cow Fest, or Go-Puja Mela, is a celebration with deep roots at ISKCON New Talavana, nestled in the peaceful countryside of Mississippi. Each year, this festival unites a diverse community to support the …
Bhakti Center NYC celebrated its seventh annual Diwali Festival on November 1st, attended by over 1,000 people. The popular evening event included kirtan, food stalls, dance, drama, and children's activities like henna and face painting.
In the spirit of cooperation, ISKCON Houston is voluntarily adapting its Festival of Bliss plans for 2024, by featuring the Deities of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and NItyananda Prabhu, who famously brought …
In October, ISKCON Hungary hosted an early celebration of Diwali (Dipavali), known as "The Festival of Lights," an event with a long-standing tradition in the local community. This exclusive gala dinner is held annually in …
20 октября преданные в ИСККОН Девасадан Мандир в Детройте, штат Мичиган, отпраздновали Дусехру. Этот праздник посвящен победе добра над злом. Дусехра - это день, когда злой царь Равана, известный своими ...
On September 28th, 2024, the vibrant streets of Soweto came alive with the joyous sounds of Hare Krishna chanting as devotees and members of the local community gathered to celebrate the 17th annual ISKCON Soweto …