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Документальный фильм об истории и творческом служении преданных в Сингапуре
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Ноя 27, 2023

Devotees gathered at 2023 Sri Krishna Janmastami Festival in Singapore.

A beautiful documentary has been produced, giving viewers a compelling glimpse into the life and service of Krsna devotees in Singapore. Featuring interviews with pioneering devotees who witnessed the history and growth of the devotional community in the cosmopolitan city, the video shares their unique challenges and opportunities for outreach.

Singapore, strategically situated as a vibrant city-state at the crossroads of Southeast Asia, is renowned for its impressive skyline, cutting-edge infrastructure, and multi-cultural and multi-religious tapestry.

The documentary showcases the five core principles that are foundational to the Gita Reading Society (GRS), which include a caring devotional ecosystem, mesmerizing festivals, the annual Ratha Yatra, and many more outreach programs. Among some of the most creative initiatives is their служение with hospice patients and prisoners.

You can watch the documentary “Hare Krishnas in the City of Lions” здесь, or by clicking on the video below. Follow them on Facebook, Инстаграм, и Twitter (X)или посетите их сайт to learn about all their programs and events.

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