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Early Birds Are Healthier and Happier than Night Owls, Study Finds
By Michael Ravensthorpe   |  Фев 08, 2013

Several peer-reviewed studies have established that night owls tend to be more creative and independent-minded than early birds – a phenomenon that scientists have linked to the adaptation of living ‘outside the norm.’ However, according to scientists at the University of Toronto, early birds have the biggest reason to celebrate: Morning people tend to be healthier and far more content with their lives than evening people.

The scientists asked 435 younger volunteers between the ages of 17 to 38, and 297 older volunteers between the ages of 59 to 79, to complete a questionnaire about their preferred times of day and their general happiness and healthiness levels. The results showed that only seven percent of the younger volunteers were morning people, versus 93 percent of the older volunteers. Moreover, volunteers who considered themselves morning people – of either age group – reported feeling far healthier and more positive than the evening people.

“[M]orning-type people reported feeling happier than evening type people, whether they were young or old, and our results suggest the shift towards morningness with age may have positive emotional benefits,” said the study’s leader, Renee Biss.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/039001_early_birds_night_owls_happiness.html#ixzz2KIV2TsGI

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