ISKCON Vancouver hosted the inaugural Sage the Earth (not a typo!) event on June 25, 2022. The five simultaneous fire sacrifices, complete with kirtan yajna of the holy names and prescribed mantras, were offered to reverse global incongruities: climate disturbances, wars, and racial violence.
One of five fire sacrificial arenas
The presence of sages such as Bhaktimarga Swami, GBC for North American Zone 1, the North; Gauranga Das, director of Govardhan Eco-Village, India; and Ananda Gauranga Das, specialized yajna pujari, guaranteed success for the event.
Other dignitaries included Burnaby’s Mayor Mike Hurley, Member of Parliament Peter Julian, City Councillors Pietro Calendino & James Wang, and School Trustee Larry Hayes. Vallabha Hari Das, professional TV host, acted as MC, guiding the attendees through the ceremonies and the accompanying dramas, classical Bharatnatyam dance, children’s fun zone, and a feast.
His Holiness Bhakti Marg Swami offering ghee during fire sacrifice
Elected Member of Parliament Peter Julian, representing the federal riding of New Westminster-Burnaby, presented an appreciation certificate for the Sage the Earth initiative from the Government of Canada.
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