On March 6, 2010, ISKCON Vrindavan celebrated its annual boat festival. For only the second time, Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar were taken to the Yamuna, instead of sailing on the temple property.
“Every year we had ugly scenes with devotees being pushed from the temple room by the security as it was too crowded to enter,” said Deena Bandhu Dasa, one of the organizers.
This year, the crowds were accommodated by arranging the event in a manner akin to Srila Prabhupada’s entrance to the Vrindavana Kumbha Mela.
The Deities were carried on the back of a decorated elephant, and the procession, almost a thousand strong, visited the main marketplaces of Vrindavana before entering the Yamuna. Vrajavasis offered flower garlands and beverages to the participants along the way.
Radha Shyamasundar set sail to the kirtan of Aindra Dasa, with more than twenty-five other boats accompanying them on their leisurely springtime cruise.
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