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ISKCON’s Prison, Outreach Ministries Release New Books
By Madhava Smullen   |  Мар 06, 2010

Two new ISKCON publications have been released this March, making their debut at the Gaura Purnima Festival in Mayapur, West Bengal recently.

Holy Jail, a compilation by ISKCON guru Candramauli Swami, details the activities of ISKCON’s Prison Ministries (IPM) in America and India through inmates’ anecdotes, letters, art, poetry and offerings to Srila Prabhupada.

In its thirty years of operation, IPM has reached hundreds of inmates, many of whom tell their stories in Holy Jail, explaining how they came to Krishna through the help of ISKCON Prison Ministries and how IPM volunteers turned their lives around by supporting and caring for them.

Chandramauli Swami, who has served with IPM since the early 1990s, also includes a history of the organization, as well as memories of the dedicated souls who passed away after many years of service with IPM.

Also released this Gaura Purnima is Sri Godruma Kalpatavi (“The Desire-tree Grove of Godruma”), translated from the original Bengali into English by ISKCON guru Jayapataka Swami.

Originally produced one hundred and twenty years ago as a newsletter by the great Vaishnava saint Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Sri Godruma Kalpatavi was intended as a guide for leaders and members in his spiritual outreach movement.

Today, it is just as relevant, dealing with practical issues often faced by devotees trying to balance families and careers with Krishna conscious practices and outreach activities.

The book also explains how to set up and run Nama-hatta, or congregational development, groups. Featuring stories of personal experiences in such efforts by Jayapataka Swami and other devotees, it’s a timely release, coinciding with the 30th anniversary this year of ISKCON Mayapur’s Nama-hatta Department.

Both books are available in hardbound and softbound, by writing to [email protected] or [email protected].

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