HYDERABAD: The human mind is not fully prepared to embrace modernity and technological advancements associated with it, claimed Sahadeva Dasa, the president of Iskcon (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) in Hyderabad on Monday. Discussing the growing instances of student suicides, depression among professionals and martial discord, Dasa claimed that increased loneliness, coupled with overshooting personal goals and use of intoxicants are some of the prime reasons behind urban psychological and lifestyle related diseases.
Speaking on the need to devise newer methods of unwinding in a time-restricted space and environment, Dasa advocated innovative techniques like ‘desk top yoga’, which would aid in relaxation and conflict management.
Noting that the faster pace of life implicates greater problem solving capabilities, he said that the brain was getting caught in a world that was working faster than itself. “The results usually manifest themselves as anxiety, nervousness, depression and in extreme cases, suicidal tendencies,” he said.
One of the reasons behind launching the campaign on urban professional stress, explained programme director Mahasrnga Das “is to tackle a problem that is affecting Hyderabadi professionals, and in turn their families and children, who are constantly pressurised to excel.” Further complicating the issue of addressing mental health concerns, says Dasa, “is the acute lack of psychiatric professionals to treat the massive number of people suffering from psychological stress and allied disorders.”
He noted that while around 20 crore Indians suffer form mental illness of varying degrees and intensities, there are only around 3,200 psychiatrists available for treatment. “The only solution is to develop a programme aimed at containing mental malaise, while enhancing problem management capabilities and human relation sustenance,” Dasa added.
The Society, to this effect would be conducting a series of 200 programmes to address lifestyle, professional, personal and general mental health issues. The zero-profit initiative would feature an affordable fee, for courses ranging from a few hours to a month and will be open to all.
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