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Service Opportunity: North American Child Protection Office Director
By Tamohara Das   |  Jun 24, 2016

The North American Executive Committee (NAEC) of the North American GBC and Temple Presidents Association is looking for a new Director of the Child Protection Office. This Office has been active for over five years, and is now expanding its staff and programs. 

The current Director, Lila suka dasi, has developed a strong and professional office.  She will now be concentrating on her area of expertise, Prevention and Training. The CPO is also have the services of Radha dasi, a California based lawyer who handles the CPO’s responses to reports of abuse, and is their case manager. With this strong team in place, the new Director will administrate the program, and help advance the CPO’s efforts to protect children.

A service description is provided below.

Interested candidates in the service should contact Tamohara das, NAEC Chair at

Director of the North American Child Protection Office

Service Description

Position: The Director of the NACPO has overall responsibility for the Child Protection efforts of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) throughout the United States and Canada.

Reporting: The Director reports to the International Director of the ISKCON Office of Child Protection (CPO), as well as the North American Executive Committee (NAEC). There is also a reporting relationship with the Board of Directors of the non-profit corporation parent corporation, the Association for the Protection of Children, Inc.

As such, the Director will compile quarterly reports, and have phone conferences or other meetings, as needed, with the above groups. 

Time Requirements: This position is currently structured as a part time position, due to the presence of experienced CPO staff who perform many of the functions listed below.

Location:  The Director may reside anywhere in North America where there is phone and email access.

Salary:  Some stipend available, as required.

Administrative Responsibilities: The Director oversees all staff, including an Associate Director for Training and Prevention, an Associate Director for Response and Case Management, and any other current or future staff members. The Director is also responsible for budget, record keeping, policy and strategy, communication with reporting relationships, and general management functions of the Office.

Specific Duties:  The Director also directly manages, or sees that these that functions are performed by staff, the following:  

1. To serve as the point person for child protection concerns, and direct calls and emails appropriately and timely.

2.  To oversee the service of the Associate Director for Prevention and Training to raise awareness and disseminate information about child protection by preparing resource material and organizing training on child protection and abuse prevention for different audiences. The AD of Prevention and Training also assures that screening procedures are in place, and trains and monitors local temple child protections teams (CPT).

3.  To oversee the Associate Director for Response’s review of abuse allegations and to coordinate and oversee the review system for cases of alleged abuse.

4. To keep all records and files of complaints and known offenders, for use in screening etc., and share with appropriate ISKCON leaders.

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