ISKCON Vancouver spread the Holy Names to visitors from all over the world through chanting and passing out books on the streets during the February 2010 Winter Olympics in downtown Vancouver. As a dozen devotees greeted crowds of up to 500,000 Olympics fans, they were able to move over 500 books.
Veteran distributor Kripanidhi Dasa was pleased with the experience.
“Every other person was from a different country. In fact, many people that I met were quite eager to accept a Bhagavad Gita and give a nice donation.”
The outreach efforts culminated on the final day of the Winter Olympics – which coincided with Gaura Purnima – with a massive three-hour downtown street chanting party. The enthusiastic participants induced crowds to chant, dance, and accept literature and invitations to the Vancouver Temple or to ISKCON temples in their home country.
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