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50 Years Ago Today: How One Sadhu Changed the World
By Kripamoya Das   |  Авг 13, 2015

In 1965, fifty years ago today, an elderly Indian gentleman boarded a steamship in Calcutta. He was a saffron-robed sadhu – a holy man – bound for America, a place he had never visited before, and a place where he had no friends. Almost 70, he had spent the last eight years in the medieval town of Vrindavan, the home of Lord Krishna. In the last years of his life he wanted to give his spiritual message to the world, but at such an advanced age in a foreign country, and with no support, what could he do? How many would listen to him?

He sat under a tree in a park in New York City, played on some small hand cymbals, and sang the Hare Krishna mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Surprisingly, some young people walked over, sat down, and joined in with this strange chant. They listened with interest when he spoke of yoga and of how meditation could take them to a higher level of consciousness. Later, in a small shop front temple, they watched, fascinated, as he performed the traditional arati ceremony with incense, bells and lamps, and followed him as he showed them how to chant the mantra using wooden beads. He even cooked vegetarian meals for them, with delicious, exotic-sounding names: dahlsubjichapattipakorahsamosahalavahladdhu и gulabjamon. The young people had never experienced anything like this before. Gradually he taught them how to live a good and simple life, free from bad habits and confusing ideas. The elderly sadhu’s name is now known to all: His Divine Grace Srila A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada; and his young followers became the Hare Krishna Movement.

By the time Srila Prabhupada passed away, there were more than 100 branches of his ‘International Society for Krishna Consciousness’ (ISKCON) in all the major cities of the world. That was in 1977, only 12 years after he first sat under a tree. Now there are more than 600 places where his followers gather to sing the Hare Krishna mantra, study his teachings, and conduct religious festivals. Even in Russia more than 10,000 honour Srila Prabhupada as their guru, just as they do in Africa, the Amazon, China, and even in the Arctic Circle. It is a remarkable achievement for one elderly sadhu and a few followers.

Srila Prabhupada was remarkably gifted. He was an expert Sanskrit scholar, an articulate speaker, a generous teacher and a compassionate and understanding spiritual preceptor. He had an unshakeable conviction in the reality of Krishna, the Supreme Godhead, and his communion with that same Krishna nourished and informed his every move. But he said that anyone could achieve the same success by introducing some simple spiritual practices into their daily life. As many thousands of his followers have found, by spiritualizing our life we can become peaceful, happy and contented, and by sharing what we know with others – just as Srila Prabhupada did – we can play our part in making the world a better place.

The Ten Point Campaign

  1. Recite the Hare Krishna mantra on a circle of 108 wooden beads. This is known as джапа One time round the beads each morning is for beginners, four times round as a daily minimum is for committed members, and sixteen ‘rounds’ is the standard for experienced practitioners. Japa meditation is the basic practice of devotees of Krishna.
  1. Read the books translated and commented by Srila Prabhupada. Along with the well-known Bhagavad-gita there is the Шримад-Бхагаватам. Its 18,000 verses were Srila Prabhupada’s life work and not only continue the philosophical teachings of Shri Krishna found in the Gita, but also describe Krishna’s divine appearance within this world, as well as accounts of his many avatars. Srila Prabhupada also published the Caitanya Caritamrita, the biography and detailed teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Krishna’s most recent incarnation. There are also the important works of Srila Rupa Goswami, medieval disciple of Caitanya, such as Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu и Upadeshamrita, as well as one of the principal Upanishads, the Isha Upanishad. Srila Prabhupada’s books provide authentic and time-tested wisdom, and their careful study creates a strong foundation for spiritual life.
  1. Sing the Hare Krishna mantra and other melodious songs accompanied by musical instruments. This very popular devotional activity, known as киртана, can form the basis of many family and communal gatherings.
  1. Join together with others to discuss the teachings and their practical application in your life. Hold киртана and chant джапа Treat these gatherings as your personal spiritual community. 
  1. Offer a practical service to your local temple or group. Find something you like to do and spend one or two hours each week in volunteer service. This will be of great help to the mission and will be spiritually purifying and uplifting for you. Through this service, known as seva, the philosophy comes to life.
  1. Give up any bad habits you have, or at least try to minimize them. Remove all meat and fish from your diet, as they are the products of violence. Avoid impure items such as eggs, onions and garlic as they pollute the system. Abandon all forms of intoxicant. Try to live simply, without exploitation of the world or others around you.
  1. Create a sacred space in your home. A small altar dedicated to Krishna will sanctify your entire house. Offer pure foods to Krishna by placing them before his image. Eat only food which has been made sacred by offering, known as Krishna prasadam. If you can, light lamps or candles, and offer incense and flowers each day on your altar.
  1. Be generous to others – share what you have learned and experienced with them. Answering spiritual enquiries, giving out leaflets or books, distributing free Krishna prasadam, and taking part in public kirtans and festivals; all these are a blessing for you and to others.
  1. Celebrate the festivals and honour the days of fasting. Learn how celebrating special days can help your spiritual growth. Do not eat any grains, beans and legumes or items that contain them on the holy days of ekadasi, the 11th day of the moon which comes twice in a month.
  1. Make friendship with those who are spiritually strong. Meet with them regularly and enquire from them. Avoid those who seek to minimize your spiritual commitments. Create a strong friendship with at least one sadhu– an experienced and knowledgeable devotee of Krishna who shows interest in your spiritual progress. 

All the members of the Krishna devotee community are deeply committed to helping you in any way possible. We want you to enjoy Krishna consciousness and make new friends. So here are some suggestions we think you’ll find helpful:


In many towns there are Krishna groups known as sangas that meet regularly. At these gatherings, which generally last for 90 minutes, you can enjoy uplifting kirtans, a lively and informative talk or discussion on Bhagavad-gita, and often an arati ceremony – a festive traditional offering of lamps, incense and flowers. And of course, there will be delicious Krishna prasadam at the end. With members like yourself you’ll find support and encouragement. If there is not a sanga conveniently close by, you might like to play host to a gathering in your house or a nearby venue.


Krishna appeared in this world five hundred years ago in His avatar of Sri Caitanya. In this form He travelled from town to town in India singing the Hare Krishna mantra and teaching the people how to live a spiritual and Godly life. Srila Prabhupada did the same and so do we, his followers. There are great spiritual blessings to be gained by anyone who shares the message of Krishna or the holy name of Krishna with others. Our weekend public kirtan programmes – known as sankirtan – visit different neighbourhoods all over London and beyond. We hold lively and melodious musical kirtan, give out Прасадам, sell books, and generally bring a temple festival atmosphere to the city streets. Sometimes as many as 40 Krishna devotees are in one place at a time. If you come and take part, even for an hour, you will enjoy it.


Spiritual life according to the Bhagavad-gita is not all about stillness and contemplation. Meditation also gives rise to vigorous and practical activities fully dedicated to God. Temples are set up as places where both aspects of spiritual life are practiced, and where the opportunity of practical service is always available – and needed! Devotees like to come to the temple and offer one or two hours of volunteer service; whatever they like to do can be offered to Krishna. In the city temple there is caring for guests, driving, cleaning, preparing for festivals, cooking, and simple administration work; and in the country temple (in addition to all of those) there’s looking after cows and bulls, gardening, farming, and assisting the large number of pilgrims who visit.


We all need a sadhu in our life; someone who is a good spiritual example, knowledgeable with teaching skills and a pleasant manner; that has experience and is willing to help us move forward. A friendly guide on your path can lift your spirits, help you work round obstacles or make it through difficult patches, and will always be on hand to answer questions and offer guidance if you want it. Those who have such a senior guide in their life have found it very helpful and so we highly recommend it to all members of our community.  Our mentorship system is available for all committed members. Later on, after a period of enjoying the tangible benefits of spiritual practice, you may like to consider making your lifetime vows. This is an important step in spiritual life when you dedicate yourself to Krishna under the guidance of a qualified preceptor, or Гуру, thus becoming a disciple, or sishya. This spiritual initiation is offered to all those who chant a minimum of sixteen rounds each day, uphold and understand the required disciplines and teachings, and demonstrate steadiness in their spiritual life.

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