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700 Students Receive Bhagavad-gita in Surat
By Romapada Das   |  Янв 26, 2018

Over 700 students of the LPD School in Surat received copies of the "Бхагавад-гита как она есть" at an event organized by ISKCON Surat on 18th January.

The program organized by Ramlila Das, a youth outreach coordinator in Surat, included skits, prayers, kirtana and a lecture by Bhakiprem Swami.

Bhaktiprem Swami described how the Gita was the essence of all the Upanishads, and engaged the students in a question-answer session that was lively and interactive. 

“Our school is centered around total personality development, in addition to academic learning,” said Vijay Patel, the Principal of the school. “Students are taught the wisdom of our ancient Vedic culture in a manner that can be applied to their daily lives. That is why we were pleased to partner with ISKCON in distributing copies of the Bhagavad-gita to all our senior students.”

During the kirtana that followed, most of the students participated in the singing and dancing in an enthusiastic manner.

“We will also be conducting an examination on the Gita,” concluded Vamsidhari Das, who heads the youth preaching activities in Gujarat. “Many students have already enrolled. We think this will mark a real transformation in their lives for advancing towards spiritual culture and inner fulfillment.”

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