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Argentina: Prasadam Distribution to Police Officers
By Govinda Damodara das   |  Апр 10, 2020


ISKCON devotees in Mendoza, Argentina, have established a prasadam distribution program at all police checkpoints in town.

During their quarantine duty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, around 60 law enforcement officers receive a plate of meal and hot drink every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The members of the security forces have expressed their gratitude for the show of affection and appreciation towards them. 

The program is being coordinated by fire department officer and ISKCON devotee Devadeva Das(fire department officer). The volunteer cooks are Gauri devi dasi, Madhumati devi dasi, Gadhadara das, and Kesava Rama das. The social media is being coordinated Narahari and Govinda.

* * * 

If anyone wishes to participate in this service with bhoga, cooking and / or cash, they can communicate privately at https://www.facebook.com/FoodforLifeArgentinaMendoza/

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