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August 10th Update on Jayapataka Swami, Prayers Requested
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Авг 10, 2023

**UPDATE AUGUST 10th from HH Jayapataka Swami**

“My dear devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances, best wishes, and blessings as appropriate.
Вся слава Шриле Прабхупаде!
Homebase: Sridham Mayapur
Camp: Chennai
Since I am experiencing an improvement in my health compared to the last fortnight, I would like to inform you briefly about my current health situation.
On the 21st of July, my servants noticed that I had a fever which raised concerns. The situation became alarming on the 25th of July when my Health Team diagnosed that I had a urinary system infection which was caused by an extended spectrum multi-resistant bacteria. In consultation with the Doctors in Rela Hospital, it was confirmed that it was very serious. According to their words, no antibiotic could treat this organism. So on the 27th morning, I traveled to Chennai and got admitted to Rela Hospital. I was feeling very fatigued and medical evaluation soon revealed a significant decline in my hemoglobin and white blood cell counts. And my creatinine levels were on the rise indicating that my kidney was not functioning well.
While in the hospital, I underwent a series of intensive treatments including dialysis and platelet transfusions. My servants informed me that I was not responding well to questions for 2 – 3 days and this was primarily due to deteriorating renal function and took a while to show a response to treatment. I was also unable to eat well for a few days. A dedicated team of specialists monitored my progress closely.
I do not feel that any hospital is a very comfortable place to stay and rest. There is a lot of noise, is generally cold and the lights are on most of the time. My health team recommends and insists that I should take a lot of rest for my quick recovery.
During the twelve days of hospitalization, I attended some important meetings and finally, I was discharged on the 8th of August. My condition has gotten better, and right now, I am staying at the home of Ajita Gopinatha Dasa and his family. I have to be in Chennai for a few more weeks to monitor my blood parameters.
A very renowned astrologer said that by the prayers of devotees, I can continue serving Krishna in this body and preach Krishna consciousness all over the world through my disciples. The more the devotees chant, the more my health will improve. I would like to express my gratitude to all the devotees who have offered special pujas, yajnas, chanted extra rounds, circumambulated Tulasi Devi, and offered different prayers to the Lord to let me serve Him as much as He desires.
A few weeks ago, my body was feeling very weak, and I thought I wouldn’t be able to leave the hospital soon. However, since devotees from all over the world began praying, there is been evident progress, in both my health and physical strength. Therefore, I would like to request devotees to continue praying, so that I can fulfill the instructions that Srila Prabhupada gave me, while I am in this physical body.
I am also praying to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Panca-tattva, and Sri Prahlad Nrsimhadeva that I can please Srila Prabhupada and fulfill his instructions.
I hope this finds you all in good health and blissful Krishna consciousness.
Yours in service,
Jayapataka Swami”

According to the latest report on HH Jayapataka Swami from Mahavaraha Das, he is still under medical care at the Rela Institute in Chennai. “Since last night, he has been a little less responsive to commands and feeling extremely weak. Doctors think this may be due to kidney dysfunction, which is accumulating a substance in the blood, which is leading to less responsiveness,” said Mahavaraha Das.

His report goes on to say that the doctors have decided to keep Jayapataka Swami in the ICU for at least another day for close monitoring. Their plan is to do a blood transfusion, followed by dialysis. At this point, a biopsy has been ruled out as doctors feel it may not be safe or worthwhile considering the current status of Jayapataka Swami’s health. In spite of being tired and weak, he has been continuing his services as usual.

The JPS Health Team and the JPS Seva Committee express their gratitude to the devotees and humbly request they continue to pray for Jayapataka Swami’s health and continue to follow their vows strictly.

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