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Baltimore Mayor Proclaims Hare Krishna Ratha Yatra Day
By Sunanda Dasa   |  Май 23, 2009

Baltimore’s Mayor, Sheila Dixon, has named May 30, 2009 as “Hare Krishna Ratha Yatra Day” in a glowing proclamation.

“The City of Baltimore celebrates its diverse community and has respect for all groups who have chosen to make this city their home,” writes the Mayor in the official document. She notes that the Indian community maintains an important role in her city and contributes to its peoples’ social, spiritual, and economic welfare, saying, “This event includes Baltimore’s Seventh Annual Rathayatra, the 2,000-year-old Parade of Chariots, and the Festival of India, a colorful display of culture, music, art, spirituality, and vegetarian food.”

The Mayor further details, “This day is sponsored by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, a non-profit organization that promotes the well-being of human society by teaching spiritual principles and values; the event is expected to draw several thousand people and is a day of fun and education for the entire family.”

At the end of the document, Ms. Dixon urges all citizens of Baltimore to join in the celebration.

Now in its seventh year, the annual Baltimore Rathayatra and Festival of India is held in the heart of downtown Baltimore’s world famous Inner Harbor. Thousands of plates of sacred food and hundreds of spiritual books are distributed to passersby, who also get an opportunity to view the Festival of India exhibits and experience Vedic drama and dance, chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and other spiritually uplifting presentations. Representatives from major political offices have presented the festival Citations of Appreciation for several years now, although the Mayor’s proclamation is a first.

Contact ISKCON Baltimore at info@baltimorekrishna.com or go to www.baltimorekrishna.com for more information.

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