Fifteen people from the North London and Cambridge area participated, many of whom were already interested in yoga and wanted to learn about Bhakti too.
The five powerful practices in The Living Name, a new book by Sacinandana Swami, can enliven the chanting of the Holy Name and turn it into a dynamic and transformative experience.
Sacinandana Swami once joked: “The scriptures predict that as Kali Yuga progresses, devotees will play musical instruments so loud that people will not be able to hear the maha-mantra anymore.” That might make you crack …
The popular website INSIDER recently published a list of “The 30 Most Beautiful Places to See in the U.S.,” “from breathtaking natural wonders to architectural marvels built by humans.”
It is stated in the Nectar of Devotion that by following the regulative principles of Caturmasya, one can quickly be raised to the platform of devotional service.
The catchily-named new restaurant “OmNom,” set to open in Islington, London in January 2019, aims to promote conscious eating, kirtan as meditation, and authentic bhakti-yoga.
The library is home to the collection of thousands of works, including the personal diary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, some original handwritten articles by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and a 200-page songbook handwritten by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.
Sadaputa Dasa and Drutakarma Dasa’s Videos, Hidden History of the Human Race Parts 1 & 2, air on Gaia TV Network Starting July 12th
Our "Paramahamster" comic strip follows an enthusiastic devotee as he navigates a 9 - 5 work day in the corporate world. Please check back weekly for new episodes!