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Строительство новой больницы на 100 коек в Маяпуре идет полным ходом
By Khusboo Basan, ISKCON News Staff Writer   |  Май 13, 2023

Thousands of devotees live partially or full-time in Mayapur, India, the international headquarters for ISKCON; hence, a very well-equipped hospital is a grave need that has been felt by residents and visiting devotees alike. Therefore, in 2022, ISKCON Mayapur began construction of a new 100-bed multi-speciality hospital on Bhaktisiddhanta Road, adjacent to the existing hospital building. The new project has reached the first-floor level and is progressing quickly.

A total of five acres of land is earmarked for healthcare development in phases. The present stage includes a 100-bed multi-specialty hospital, a natural birthing centre, and a palliative care centre. The next development phase will consist of Paramedical and Nursing schools for educating and training the rural youth. The third phase will be the development of a 250-bed super specialty hospital. Finally, there are plans for a separate Ayurvedic and naturopathy facility on the bank of the Ganges.

Regarding the current development, Harilila Das, who is in charge of the health care division of ISKCON Mayapur, said, “This 100-bed multi-speciality hospital will fulfill all the current needs of this fast-growing community and our visitors. It will have facilities for safe birthing, treatment for all common ailments, a dialysis center, four modern surgery theatres, an ICU, 24-hour emergency services, and all types of diagnostic and imaging facilities.” A total of six million dollars is required to complete the ongoing phases.

Anuttama Das during a recent visit with Harilila Das in front of a state-of-the-art Siemens MRI.

This new hospital will mostly eliminate the need to travel anywhere outside of Mayapur for health care needs, saving not only travel time and expense but possibly the lives of local patients. “We are going to have a world-class facility in Mayapur so that anyone who comes here can be treated,” said Harilila Das, “They don’t have to worry about their health. They can simply focus on chanting Hare Krishna.”

Most recently, Indradyumna Swami inaugurated the new pharmacy and office block before offering a very inspiring speech, and pledging his support for the hospital project.

As with any construction project in India, major challenges were faced during this construction. “The real challenge now is to purchase and transport the needed equipment here,” said Harilila Das, “So, anyone who would like to donate an MRI machine or other vital medical equipment, sponsor a bed, or help us provide free treatment to dhamvasis and devotees living here, their support is most welcome.”

To learn more about the project or discover how to help or donate, please get in touch with Harilila Das at [email protected] or WhatsApp +91 99337 06666.

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