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Daiva Varnashrama Ministry to Inaugurate Mayapur Regional Office on January 20
By Bhakti Raghava Swami   |  Янв 14, 2011

The first in a series of Daiva Varnashrama Ministry Regional Offices will officially be launched in Sri Dham Mayapur on January 20th, 2011. In an effort to increase the awareness of ISKCON devotees and the general public about the on-going activities of the ISKCON Daiva Varnashrama Ministry and to give an opportunity for more individuals to get involved, the ministry plans to open Ministry Regional Offices in Mumbai, Vrindavan and in the Udupi area. More information about these new services will soon be made available.

The Mayapur Regional Office will operate within the Mayapur Campus from the Chakra Building (known locally as the Long Building), Room No. 137 and will be open daily from 10:00 a.m. till noon in its initial phase. Various books, pamphlets, DVDs, photo albums, newsletters, bulletins and other paraphernalia will be made available at the office as well as information about varnasrama projects in India and abroad.

Overseeing the Mayapur Regional Office will be Prabhu Nityananda Das who has been supervising the development of the Daiva Varnashrama Ministry in West Bengal since the last two years. Assisting him will be Sudama Sakha Das from South America who has recently relocated to Sri Mayapur and who will be managing the office.

Devotees are invited to take part in the inauguration ceremony which will be held on Thursday morning, January 20th, between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The event will be covered live by the mayapur.tv. Samba Das, who oversees the Mayapur Varnasrama College development, will be present to address the assembled devotees. Prasadam will be served after the event.

For more information about the ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry Promoting Rural Development in India, please visit www.iskconvarnasrama.com.

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