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“Deep Leap” Youtube Series Dives Into Practical Application of Philosophy
By Madhava Smullen   |  Май 22, 2021

Deep Leap, a new Youtube series from Bhaktivedanta College of Radhadesh, Belgium, is responding to the “overwhelming need” amidst ISKCON devotees for applied philosophy, with authentic solutions to modern challenges. The series of short clips will deliver concise messages based on scripture and the examples of saintly persons, that viewers can apply practically in their lives.

As well as hearing about how the Acharyas and great saints in the Srimad-Bhagavatam practiced Krishna consciousness, the team behind Deep Leap feel that it will be helpful for devotees to hear examples of those successfully practicing spiritual life in the modern world, while facing all the challenges we don’t hear about in the Bhagavatam – such as the need for digital detox.

“Devotees need to hear more applied knowledge,” says Nityananda-kari Dasi, one of Bhaktivedanta College’s administrators. “They need to hear how those who have practiced Krishna consciousness in modern times for many years applied it in their lives, and how it made their lives better.”

Bhaktivedanta College also wants to present this message in a form that is easily digestible for modern people and modern attention spans. Each video will run just three to five minutes, with each topic broken down into a series of several videos to make it more accessible. To begin with, Bhaktivedanta College’s Youtube page will publish one video a week. 

Speakers will include ISKCON guru Kadamba Kanana Swami; Radhadesh temple president Shyamananda Das; college administrator and alumni Dinadayal Das; Devasri Radhika Dasi, who is currently doing her PhD in law; and Mangala Chandrika Dasi, a 20-year bhakti practitioner, mother of two, and former student of theology at Bhaktivedanta College.

“We wanted to feature not only speakers who are well-known preachers in ISKCON, but also regular practioners like you and I living normal lives,” says Nityananda-kari.

Kadamba Kanana Swami

Kadamba Kanana Swami speaks about the need for digital detox

The first video, already available to watch, features Kadamba Kanana Swami and is his first in a four-part series on “Digital Detox.” In it, Maharaja talks about asking ourselves if we are touching the screen more than we’re touching our japa beads, and the power of putting our devices aside at times and going back to basics. Living simply, eating simply, and focusing on chanting, he explains, can get us enchanted by the Holy Name of the Lord and rejuvenate us.

Other videos will discuss The Art of Asking Questions; Grief and Dealing with Loss; Sacred Ecology; Emotions in Krishna Consciousness; and Tough Love – Is Krishna Unfairly Treating Us? among other topics. The plan is for the series to run long term, perhaps eventually increasing the number of videos released every week.

“From these videos I hope our audience will derive inspiration to practice Krishna consciousness, have faith in Krishna, and think of Krishna more,” says Nityananda-kari.

To watch new Deep Leap videos every week, visit and subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/c/BhaktivedantaCol

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