ISKCON London’s own record label, Radha Krishna records, is currently in production on an ISKCON 50th Anniversary London Mellows kirtan album.
The Radha Krishna Temple at ISKCON of Soho Street, London inaugurated London Mellows, an annual 24-hour kirtan weekend, in 2016 as an offering to Srila Prabhupada on ISKCON’s 50th юбилей.
The 2016 kirtan, which ran from July 9th through 10th, saw devotees from all over the UK as well as interested members of the public chanting the Hare Krishna mantra from 10am until 10pm each day. Around 500 people participated in total.
The kirtan was professionally recorded and is now being produced and mixed by Jagannath Suta Das, who has worked for Universal Music and Sony, and more recently produced ISKCON artists’ albums like Ananda Monet’s Inevitable Time.
The album will include an incredible twenty hours of kirtan. There will be thirty tracks, each led by a different chanter. These will include Jayadeva dasa, who used his famous technique to turn the audience into a “Mantra Choir;” Radha Krishna Temple president Jai Nitai dasa, who led his mentee group in a classic Srila Prabhupada melody from the 1970s; recording artist Ananda Monet; Kirtan London’s Jahnavi Harrison; and local favorite Radha Londonisvara dasa. Many children will also be featured on the album, singing their hearts out individually or with their families.
“It was live recorded in front of our most beloved Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara, so the kirtans were ecstatic and deeply focused on Their Lorships, as it was the first ever London Mellows,” says organizer Gopibhava Dasi.
The album is set for release on the 50th installation anniversary of Radha Londonisvara in 2019, as a heartfelt offering to Them.
Meanwhile, the London Mellows kirtan weekend will continue to be held every year.
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To support the London Mellows ISKCON 50th Anniversary album, please kindly donate to:
Each donor above £11 will get a complimentary copy of the CD when it is launched and will be added onto the list of supporters in the CD credits.
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