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Evacuation of Vraja-Govinda Prabhu and His Family From Kherson City
By shareyour.care   |  Авг 20, 2022

Donations Needed

Vraja-Govinda prabhu, his wife and two children have to leave Kherson, a city in the frontline. This city is in the south of Ukraine. Now it is one of the two toughest flashpoints of this horrendous war.

Vraja-Govinda prabhu is a wonderful Vaishnava from the Kherson ISKCON community. He is, without a shadow of a doubt, a true devotee of the holy name. Vraja-Govinda prabhu’s primary service is to preach and glorify Krsna’s holy name. He regularly attends and leads harinama and chanting with devotees in Kherson.

He has recently organized and inspired devotees to hold a small Ratha-Yatra in occupied Kherson.

For the past few weeks, on Tuesdays and Fridays, he has been chanting with devotees at a harinama in the park of Kherson.

At the same time, he is very modest, and never demands any attention to himself. When interacting with devotees, he always behaves gently and respectfully.

For this wonderful Vaishnava and his family to evacuate, $1,100 is required. Everyone can contribute to this cause.


To Donate please visit Share Your Care: Help Vraj Govinda Evacuate

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