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Federal Court Suit Challenges School’s Teaching of Evolution
By Howard Friedman   |  Янв 29, 2011

Earlier this month, a former Pennsylvania high school teacher filed an action pro se challenging the teacing of evolution by the Blue Mountain, Pennsylvania school district. The complaint in Ritter v. Blue Mt. School District, (MD PA, filed 1/18/2011), alleges teaching that the only explanation for life is evolution (without the possibility of a Creator) amounts to the promoting of Atheism, which in turn amounts to teaching of a religion. Plaintiff objects to paying taxes to support the school district and asks the court to find that “the Blue Mt. School District is an illegal body so long as it teaches Atheism, and thus is not entitled to pursue any further actions.” Plaintiff also filed a “Brief” in support of his complaint and a copy of his school district tax bill along with a document arguing that evolution is unscientific. In a press release yesterday announcing the filing of the case, plaintiff added that the court in which the suit has been filed is the “same district that rendered the infamous Kitzmiller decision in 2005.”

To read the full text of Ritter`s complaint: http://www.scribd.com/doc/47688380/Ritter-Complaint

Тэги darwin , evolution
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