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Food For Life Ecuador Feeds Dying Patients
By ISKCON News Weekly Staff   |  Май 02, 2009

ISKCON’s Food for Life branch in Ecuador, South America braved the rainy season’s flooded roads to visit a nursing home in the city of Guayaquil late this March. Known as “The House of the Dying Man,” the home’s numerous assistants care for 60 elderly people with terminal diseases.

The Food For Life team of eight volunteers began work at 8:00am, preparing and serving up eighty rations of vegetarian food, including rice, chickpeas and vegetables, along with herbal tea.

Residents and staff enjoyed the dishes, which were light and nutritious to cater to their dietary requirements. “Most of the residents needed assistance in feeding, and we were glad to help with that,” says Food For Life volunteer Ekalaksmi Dasi. “Afterwards, many of the elders showed us their gratitude with heartfelt smiles.”

Once the rainy season has passed, FFL Ecuador will visit more isolated and remote areas of Guayaquil where their assistance is always greatly appreciated.

For more information, or to donate for this program, please contact Divya Priya at fflecuador@gmail.com.

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