Ачарья-основатель Его Божественная Милость
А.Ч. Бхактиведанта Свами Прабхупада

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Food for Life Hungary Lights Up the Holidays for Thousands of Under-privileged Families
By Gandharvika Prema Dasi   |  Дек 28, 2016

 During the December holiday season, Food for Life Hungary distributed 10,000 plates of hot meal and 6,000 packages of dry food all across the country.

Although the program runs all year long, due to the cold weather and the holidays, the month of December means increased service and dedication for the volunteers of Food for Life Hungary.

In early December, in three major cities, Pecs, Gyor and Szeged, devotees treated hundreds of underprivileged and homeless people to hot lunch. 

On December 17th, in Budapest’s Obuda district, near the ISKCON center, 800 people got served with hot meal, and were gifted with large packages of rice, flour, oil and canned vegetables. Among the volunteers was Balazs Bus, mayor of the District.

During the last month, hundreds of people were served by devotees in several other towns, too, such as Eger, Kiskunhalas, Debrecen and Marcali.

In Somogyvamos, near ISKCON’s Krishna-valley Indian Cultural Center and Organic Farm, devotees invited the entire village for a celebratory Christmas lunch.

The main food distribution event took place in downtown Budapest on December 24-25-25th, when 5,000 plates of hot meal, and 5,000 food packages were given out by about a hundred volunteers – Krishna-devotees joined by famous musicians, journalists and media people. 

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Watch video of the main Christmas food distribution: http://index.hu/video/2016/12/28/harminckilenc_tonna_etelt_osztottak_szet_karacsonykor/

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