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Governor Hands Over Doctorate To Hare Krishna Monk
By Bhakta Chris Fici   |  Ноя 01, 2008

Sahdeva Dasa of ISKCON Secunderabad, on October 23rd, received his doctorate in Krishna consciousness from Sri N.D.Tiwari, Governor of Andhra Pradesh, India.

In a convocation, held at Rajbhavan Hyderabad, the assembled media and academic community watched a saffron robed Hare Krishna walk in with gown and hood to receive his doctorate. The Governor greeted with ‘Hare Krishna’ and a broad smile and spoke in praise of Hare Krishna movement for few minutes. All the present TV cameras turned to this somewhat of a strange or unusual sight.

Sri N.D.Tiwari is a veteran political figure in India and few months back he inaugurated ISKCON Anantpur in Andhra Pradesh. He had association of Srila Prabhupada and other ISKCON devotees over the years. Finally he wished all the best to the new doctor of philosophy monk.

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