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Hadai Pandit Institute Aims to Reach Academic Audience with Congress on Logic
By Madhava Smullen   |  Ноя 06, 2021

Over 30 scholarly speakers are set to discuss Logic in Society, and the sub-theme of order versus chaos in nature, at the Hadai Pandit International Institute’s second online Congress from November 8th to 12th. Viewers can sign up at https://hadaipandit.org/ to log in and watch live on Zoom, or watch at https://www.facebook.com/institutohadaipandit.

The Institute, based in Argentina, is an upcoming online school which will provide Waldorf-style education along with principles from the Bhakti-Yoga tradition. It is set to launch next year with elementary school, and aims to eventually provide education all the way up to college level.

Talks at the Congress will be held mostly in Spanish, although some of the speakers will speak in English with simultaneous Spanish translation.

Krishna Kshetra Swami

Krishna Kshetra Swami speaks at the Congress on Conscious Sustainable Development in September

During the last Congress, on the topic of “Conscious Sustainable Development,” at least 500 people registered to view the classes on Zoom, with many more watching on Facebook live or later in their own time. Viewers hailed mainly from Latin America, as well as from Europe, the United States, and Australia. Although most were Hare Krishna devotees, the Congress also drew a number of university professors.

Similar numbers are expected this time; however organizers hope to attract a larger scientific and academic audience from beyond ISKCON. They are also working with three universities in Argentina – the University of Buenos Aires, the National Technological University, and the Autonomous University of Entre Ríos.

“The idea is to present Krishna consciousness as a scientific method,” says co-organizer Arjuna Sakha Das. “Speakers will address logic and philosophy in different aspects of life such as history, psychology, medicine, education and theoretical and applied logic.”

Бхактимарга Свами

Bhaktimarga Swami speaks at the Congress on Conscious Sustainable Development back in September

The congress will begin Monday, November 8th at 9am Argentine time, and end on Friday, November 12th at 7pm. Talks will include “Logic and Illogic” by Laksmi Pati Das, “Reason in Education” by Hridayandanda Das Goswami, “Logic in Bhagavad Gita” by Yadunandana Swami, “Reasonable Nutrition by Radhika Devi Dasi, “The logic of Bhaktivinoda Thakur” by Guru Prasad Swami, “Discernment in the Beauty of Krishna” by Bhaktimarga Swami, “Logic in the Internal Identity Dialogue” by Srivas Thakur Das, and “Reason in Agriculture” by Baladeva Das.

Other speakers will include Krishna Kshetra Swami, Urmila Devi Dasi, Carina Ramos – a Congresswoman from Entre Ríos – and other professors, doctors and PhDs.

“With this Congress, our main goal is to attract more people to Krishna consciousness,” says Arjuna Sakha. “Our last Congress was successful beyond what we had hoped for. We saw a lot of people attracted to the lectures, because we were presenting Krishna consciousness in a more scientific or reasonable way, which people who aren’t devotees can relate to. So now we’re trying to get more and more academic, scientific audiences interested in our philosophy.”


Sign up for the Congress on Logic in Society at https://hadaipandit.org/ to log in and watch live on Zoom, or watch anytime at https://www.facebook.com/institutohadaipandit.

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