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Indore Prisoners Experience Spiritual Freedom
By Vrajendranandan Dasa   |  Май 29, 2010

On the auspicious appearance anniversary of Sita Devi, the consort of Lord Rama, which fell on the 22nd of May this year, ISKCON Indore inaugurated a Prison Preaching Program and organized its first event at the Central Jail in Indore.

The program, which began at 5 PM, started off with enthusiastic chanting of the holy names lead by the Indore devotees, which was enjoyed by the 600+ prisoners as well as the officials present in the program hall. The prisoners, dressed in their jail uniforms, joined the kirtan with their rhythmic clapping.

Mahaman Dasa, Temple President of ISKCON Indore and Zonal Secretary of Madhya Pradesh, delivered a short speech to the prisoners on the importance of chanting Hare Krishna and requested them to take up this practice. He appealed to them to leave behind the past and look forward to rectify themselves and move into the mainstream society once again.

A 20 minutes kirtan closed the program, which at one point had even the prison officials dancing alongside the inmates.

All the prisoners received a copy of Back to Godhead (Hindi), along with sanctified fruit, which was sponsored and distributed by Sumit Suri, a very active congregation member of ISKCON Indore.

Jail officials and prisoners alike voiced appreciation for the program and requested the devotees to continue holding such programs in future.

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