Prabhupada’s “Aroma of Sweetness” Conquers Ginsberg
Allen: The main thing, above and beyond all our differences, was an aroma of sweetness that he had, a personal, selfless sweetness like total devotion. And that was what always conquered me, whatever intellectual questions or doubts I had, or even cynical views of ego. In his presence there was a kind of personal charm, coming from dedication, which conquered all our conflicts. Even though I didn’t agree with him, I always liked to be with him.
Allen agreed, at Prabhupada’s request, to chant more and to try to give up smoking.
“Do you really intend to make these American boys into Vaisnavas?” Allen asked.
“Yes,” Prabhupada replied happily, “and I will make them all brahmanas.”
Allen left a $200 check to help cover the legal expenses for extending the Swami’s visa and wished him good luck. “Brahmanas!” Allen didn’t see how such a transformation could be possible.