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ISKCON Europe Pleads to Shelter Refugees
By Praghosa dasa, UK GBC Secretary   |  Мар 10, 2022

March 9, 2022

Dear Devotees;

My obeisances. Srila Prabhupada ki jai

Due to the urgent, horrendous and tragic situation unfolding in Ukraine, I would like to make an appeal that has both the suppo11 of the local GBC for Ukraine, HH Niranjana Swami, as well as the entire GBC body

The appeal is a simple one regarding the 20,000 or so ISKCON devotees living in Ukraine.

Many of these devotees will be displaced and some of them will leave Ukraine. As a result the European Regional Gove1ning Body for ISKCON has requested all European yatras to assess how many devotee refugees they would be able to suppo1i with accommodation and prasadam.

There are in essence to ways we can do this, one is how many devotees the temples themselves can look after and the other way is how many devotees our congregational members can look after.

This purpose of this letter is to ask the wonderful congregational devotees of Bhaktivedanta Manor if they would be willing to help in this time of crisis for our devotee family in Ukraine.

If you are in a position to assist please respond to Vrindarika Ramaya Devi Dasi via <vrndarika@krishnatemple.com> and we will add you to the growing list of devotees around the UK who have generously confirmed they will help with this effort.

Many thanks for considering this request and please join us all with our prayers to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Sri Krishna to protect the devotees in Ukraine as they deem best

na me bhaktah pranasyati – 0 son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.

Ваш слуга,

Praghosa dasa
[UK GBC Secretary]


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