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ИСККОН поддерживает запрет на убой коров
By PTI   |  Апр 24, 2015

The Indian Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) on Tuesday extended its support to the ban on slaughter of cows, saying that rearing these animals would add much more to the economy rather than killing them.

“The cottage industry through cow protection and cow rearing is a wonderful model for rural development,” ISKCON spiritual leader Radha Nath Swami Maharaj said in a statement issued. He said in the statement that with little investment, even a simple farmer owning a cow could manufacture products by using animal waste. Apart from medicinal benefits, utilising cow’s waste products could generate revenue and this in turn, could help maintain the animal.

Читать далее: http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-iskcon-extends-its-support-to-ban-on-slaughter-of-cows-2079423

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