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Глобальный вклад ИСККОН отмечен на Всемирном индуистском конгрессе
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Сен 08, 2018

The World Hindu Congress, which has been billed by many as one of the largest international Hindu conferences with over 2,500 participants from 60 countries, recognized Srila Prabhupada and his International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) for its vital role in spreading the message of Bhagavad Gita around the world and introducing the ethnic population to the teachings of Hinduism at its inaugural plenary yesterday in Chicago, United States.

ISKCON’s Governing Body Commissioner and International Director of Communications Anuttama Dasa received the felicitation on behalf of the Hare Krishna movement.

The plenary session began with Sanskrit prayers sung by Chandrika Tandon, a Grammy nominated artist and a Trustee of the New York University.  A video message by the Dalai Lama, who could not travel due to health reasons, was played which was followed by a message from the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.

The three day event has drawn spiritual leaders, scholars, social activists, politicians, business leaders and celebrities who aim to develop a global platform for Hindus to connect, share ideas, inspire one another, and impact the common good.

For an organization that began in the streets of Bowery in New York, which today is one of the largest religious institutions in the world, ISKCON has come a long way in successfully taking the message of Vaishnava Hinduism to all corners of the world and introducing the native population the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.

“Whatever success we [ISKCON] have is a testimony to the profound value of our shared culture and profound knowledge with which we all have been blessed… Real peace and success lies in understanding our divinity and our relationship with the divine. This world is not ours to conquer because it belongs to God and only when we understand this can there be real peace. This is our shared message” said Anuttama Dasa.

ISKCON members and followers will also be speaking at various breakout sessions addressing the topics of reaching unreached areas, sustainable ecological practices among others. 

Link to the video of his speech:  https://youtu.be/G5BKnjKCkRY

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