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New Book: A Bond of Love – Srila Prabhupada’s Daughters
By Mayapriya Devi Dasi   |  Авг 03, 2020

In a new book A Bond of Love published by Bookwrights Press Srila Prabhupada’s daughters remember their time with their spiritual master.

“Riding in the back of a taxi with a close god sister in Mumbai one fall evening around 2008, discussing the seemingly eternal topic of friction between genders, I paused for a moment to reflect on a particularly sweet remembrance where Srila Prabhupada put this topic nicely into perspective, as reiterated by my god sister. ‘The men need to hear this!’ I exclaimed. Then countered myself by adding, ‘We all need to hear this, men and women! But, still, how do the women’s voices get heard?’ 

“And thus hatched the idea for a book of memories by Srila Prabhupada’s initiated spiritual daughters.” —Malati devi dasi 

It was an idea that took on a life of its own. Now, twelve years later, the massive project has finally come to fruition and will be offered to Srila Prabhupada on the 124th anniversary of his appearance. A Bond of Love: Srila Prabhupada and His Daughters, is a 600 page book of memories written by his spiritual daughters. Over 300 Vaishnavis contributed to the book, which included both memories of their interactions with Srila Prabhupada, as well as how he impacted their lives. 

The intention of A Bond of Love is to document Srila Prabhupada’s exchanges with his female disciples for the benefit of existing and future members of ISKCON as well as for anyone interested in knowing more about our beloved spiritual master and how he deeply and personally affected the lives of his beloved female disciples (spiritual daughters). 

The publishers hope to accomplish the following:

• Ensure that Srila Prabhupada’s women disciples’ voices are on record for posterity.
• Show how his female disciples strongly felt Srila Prabhupada’s signature love and care.
• Reveal the instructions and lessons Srila Prabhupada imparted to his female disciples.
• Show that Srila Prabhupada had equal love and affection for both his male and female disciples, giving both due credit for their lovingly performed services.
• Show how Srila Prabhupada transcended the constraints of physical age, time, place, and mundane social customs as he implemented standards of ancient teachings and included the participation of females in his world-wide mission. 

Many of Srila Prabhupada’s daughters worked on the book, including Malati devi dasi, Visakha devi dasi, Mayapriya devi dasi, Pranada devi dasi, BBTI editor, Kaishori devi dasi, Anundhari devi dasi, Dinadyadri devi dasi, as well as grand-daughters, Gokula Priya devi dasi and Gandharvika Keli devi dasi, and others. 

This is an inspiring retrospective showing how, while his female disciples’ lives unfolded in numerous ways, their bond of love with their guru never wavered. Readers are quickly pulled into the heartfelt memories of these female disciples. While enlightening and uplifting to devotees of Srila Prabhupada, A Bond of Love is also an interesting sociological study of the mindset of young women in the late 60s—why they chose Krishna consciousness, and how those who chose this spiritual path weathered the next fifty years. 

A Bond of Love is published by Bookwrights Press (www.bookwrightspress.com); Mayapriya devi dasi (ACBSP), publish- er. Bookwrights Press is the publishing imprint of The Bhaktivedanta Center, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit. Profits from the sales will benefit the ISKCON Vaishnavi Ministry. 

ISBN 1-880404-29-4 paperback; ISBN 1-880404-30-0 ebook 598 pgs.
$19.95 paperback; $9.95 ebook
Available through www.bookwrightspress.com  and Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/188040429X?pf_rd_r=RK6R39EDNBH0261EFEGA&pf_rd_p=edaba0ee-c2fe-4124-9f5d-b31d6b1bfbee).

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For more information contact Mayapriya devi dasi at publisher@bookwrightspress.com or at 434-263-4818. High resolution images also available.

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