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New Podcast Highlights Devotional Success Stories
By Contributor   |  Янв 10, 2013

A new podcast has been started named Successful Vaisnavas which aims at inspiring devotees by emphasizing the positive achievements in the Krishna conscious society.

“There is great potential amongst the devotee community,” states Krsnendu dasa, the founder of Successful Vaisnavas.

“I’m hoping that by hearing from the devotees in this podcast, others will step forward and use their own amazing talents for the advancement of Krishna consciousness.

“Srila Prabhupada teaches us to look for the good, just like the honey bee who is always looking for nectar. In the same way, this podcast makes it easy for devotees to focus on the positives in our society and become inspired to build on them.”

On the Successful Vaisnavas website, there are articles and training programs to help empower devotees to take initiative to improve their own Krishna consciousness, and share it with others.

In the weekly podcast, there are interviews with inspirational devotees and there is also discussion on the principles of success as it applies to Krishna consciousness.

By interviewing devotees that have achieved success in a wide range of Krishna conscious ways, the podcast shares positive practical examples of how each of us can make a difference through Krishna consciousness and gives us a chance to associate with those who have already achieved success.

Visit http://SuccessfulVaisnavas.com to listen to the podcast and learn more.

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